Please give a number from 1 (feels completely untrue) to 7 (feels completely true) for each statement. *

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
I'm embarrassed that I have this problem.
I will never get over this problem.
I'm not sure I want to get over this problem.
I solve this problem, I will feel deprived.
I don't have the strength or the will power to solve this problem.
If I really talk about this problem, something bad will happen.
This is a problem that can only be solved by someone else.
If I ever solve this problem, I will lose a part of who I really am.
I don't want to think about this problem any more.
I should solve this problem, but I don't always do what I should.
I like people who have this problem better than people who don't..
It could be dangerous for me to get over this problem.
When I try to think about this problem, I can't keep my mind on it.
I say I want to solve this problem, but I never do.
It could be bad for someone else for me to get over this problem.
If I get over this problem, I can never go back to having it again.
I don't deserve to get over this problem.
This problem is bigger than I am.
If I got over this problem, it would go against my values.
Someone in my life hates this problem.
There are some good things about having this problem.
I don't have a problem.
I've had this problem so long, I could never completely solve it.
I have to wait to solve this problem.
If I solve this problem, I could lose a lot.
If I solve this problem, it will be mainly for someone else.